Thursday, 14 February 2013

Life without Facebook: Day 2

There really is not much to say.

I used Facebook once, but not as myself, as I have social media duties for the Roller Derby league I skate with, so had to update their page with information about the next fresh meat intake.

I still haven't had much free time as I am on late shifts this week, so I will really start to see the impact next week, when I have free evenings.

I have managed to read over 100 pages of the book I started at Christmas (Game of Thrones). Surprising, when using Facebook I only managed 147 pages between Christmas Day and the 13th Feb. On one day alone, I read 100+, which just shows how much of my spare time was going at reading Facebook.

I feel Facebook isn't enjoying the fact I haven't been looking at it though. Within 48 hours, I recieved an email, telling me i had notifications pending, and that 12 people on my friends list had statuses for me to read. It WANTS YOU TO LOOK. Not working Facebook, not working.

I also feel a lot more relaxed. How this relates to not reading Facebook I have no idea.

I thought maybe my usage of other social media sites would increase, but if anything, they have decreased. Twitter is still something I scroll though for about 5 minutes a day, if that. Then again, my twitter is mostly D list celebrities being weird, and a small fraction of friends.

Instagram hasn't been holding my attention either, I don't know if it is the content currently (you are all suddenly BORING) or that I just don't feel the need any more.

I think I now realise why a lot of blogs and articles I read about people leaving Facebook were short, or only reported a few days, or simply a conclusion: once you haven't had it for 48 hours, you don't really need it.

Life went on with it, and life still goes on without. Once you get over the feeling of missing out on something, some important post you really should have read, you're not bothered. That is how I've felt anyway.

Things I would have put on Facebook today? It's Valentines Day, I would probably have wished everyone a Happy Valentines. I may have posted about proposing to my Derby Wife (See Urban Dictionary Definition for Derby Wife... she said YES! :D ) and about the lovely rose and card I got from Mr Wolf. Or about the fact I forgot to take lunch to work and then forgot to buy some before the canteen closed.

Nuggets of information that form mere novelty in the Facebook world. Each status would have been liked or commented on, guranteed. Am I missing out by not having that?

I think I only have one reader here even after posting the address on my Facebook so people could follow progress - if you have been reading though, leave us a comment so I know? Would be interested to see how many of you there are. :)

Happy Valentines/Overpriced greetings card Day! xx

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